Discover the Serene Scenery of Cerro de la Cruz!

Perched atop a hill in the charming town of Vilcabamba, Ecuador, lies a lookout spot that offers a breathtaking view of the valley and surrounding mountains. This spot, known as Cerro de la Cruz, has become a beloved destination for both locals and tourists alike. But what makes it so special? Is it worth the hike up the steep hill? We think so.

Not only does Cerro de la Cruz offer an unparalleled panoramic view, but it also holds a significant cultural and historical importance. The hill is home to a giant cross that was erected in the early 20th century as a symbol of gratitude for the end of a devastating drought that threatened the town’s survival. The cross has since become a pilgrimage site for the faithful, with many coming to pray and leave offerings.

But beyond its religious and cultural significance, Cerro de la Cruz also provides a sense of tranquility and escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life. As we ascend the hill and take in the stunning views, we can’t help but feel a sense of awe and appreciation for the natural beauty that surrounds us. It’s a must-visit destination for anyone looking to experience the magic of Vilcabamba. Click here to access the complete city guide for Vilcabamba.

History and significance of Cerro de la Cruz

As we stand atop Cerro de la Cruz in Vilcabamba, Ecuador, our gaze roams across the stunning expanse of greenery dotted with clusters of homes and quaint structures. The view alone is enough to take our breath away, but it’s the history and significance of this place that truly elevates it to a must-visit destination.

Cerro de la Cruz has a rich history that dates back centuries, with indigenous communities viewing it as a sacred site that was home to spiritual energies. As Christianity took root in the region, a large cross was placed on the hill as a symbol of their faith, cementing its importance to the local community. Today, visitors can witness the fusion of these two cultures, with offerings and prayers still being left at the base of the cross.

But it’s not just the history of Cerro de la Cruz that makes it so significant. Its location in Vilcabamba, known as the “Valley of Longevity,” is a nod to the region’s abundant natural resources and the healthy lifestyles of its inhabitants. As we take in the view from the hilltop, we are reminded of the importance of living in harmony with nature, and how cultivating such a relationship can lead to a long and prosperous life.

Hiking trails and viewpoints

We cannot talk about the natural wonders of Vilcabamba without mentioning Cerro de la Cruz. This hiking trail is a must-visit for anyone seeking adventure and breathtaking views. The trek up the hill might be challenging, but trust us, the payoff is well worth it. Once you reach the top, you’ll be rewarded with a panoramic view of the city and its surroundings. Remember, the journey is just as important as the destination, so take your time and enjoy the hike.

As you make your way up the trail, you’ll encounter several viewpoints that offer unique perspectives of the surrounding landscape. Take the opportunity to stop and appreciate the beauty that surrounds you. From lush green hills to trickling streams, nature’s bounty is on full display. For those interested in photography, this trail offers ample opportunities to capture stunning shots that will make your Instagram feed the envy of your friends.

But let’s talk about the real highlight of this hike—the view from the top. It’s a privilege to witness the beauty of Vilcabamba from such a vantage point. The rolling hills, the Eguala River, the patchwork of farms and fields- it’s a sight that will stay with you long after the hike is over. So, put on your hiking boots, grab your camera, and make your way to Cerro de la Cruz. You won’t regret it.

Local legends and stories associated with Cerro de la Cruz

As we walk up the sloping path towards Cerro de la Cruz in Vilcabamba, Ecuador, we can’t help but feel the weight of history on our shoulders. This famous hill has been a site of spiritual significance for centuries, and has seen countless mysteries unfold over the years. We find ourselves drawn into the local legends and stories associated with the hill, eager to learn more about the mysteries that have been passed down through the generations.

Some of the most intriguing stories are those involving the Andean condor, a majestic bird found in the mountains of South America. According to legend, this bird was once worshipped by the Inca people, who saw it as a symbol of power and strength. Many locals believe that the Andean condor still holds a special significance for the people of Vilcabamba, and that its presence on Cerro de la Cruz represents the continuation of an ancient spiritual tradition.

As we reach the summit of Cerro de la Cruz, we pause to take in the stunning views of the surrounding landscape. From here, we can see for miles in every direction – a testament to the natural beauty and majesty of this incredible place. Whether you’re a spiritual seeker looking for deeper meaning, or simply a curious visitor eager to explore the mysteries of the Andes, Cerro de la Cruz is an essential destination that offers something for everyone.


In conclusion, we must say that Cerro de la Cruz is truly a hidden gem in Vilcabamba, Ecuador. From the stunning vistas to the natural beauty around it, the site packs a punch when it comes to offering a unique and rewarding experience for those who visit. We wholeheartedly recommend that every traveler with an appreciation for nature and culture must not miss this spot when in Ecuador.

While it does take some effort to reach the summit, the views, and the sense of accomplishment make it worth the trek. Cerro de la Cruz is a beautiful reminder that there is so much more to explore in Ecuador than just the Galapagos. We encourage everyone to take the time to explore the Andes and immerse themselves in the magnificent beauty of this region.

Ultimately, we believe that Cerro de la Cruz is a worthwhile destination for anyone in pursuit of adventure. While the journey to the site may not be the easiest, it is undoubtedly worth it. This hidden gem in Vilcabamba represents the best of Ecuador and serves as a testament to the country’s remarkable history, culture, and natural beauty.

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